Education System in Maldives - An Overview
Maldives has three types of schools namely, Quranic Schools, Dhivehi Primary Schools, and English Primary and Secondary Schools. English Language Primary and Secondary Schools only teach standard curriculum. Maldives government has spent huge 20 % revenue on education in 1992, wherein a large portion of it has gone for building up of new schools.
In 1970's, the Government of Maldives took a major step towards making at least one school in each of the nineteen administrative atolls. Further, administration of Education in Maldives is responsibility of the Government. In 2002, the Maldives President’s office claimed that universal Primary Education Goal has achieved and literacy rose up to 98.82%.
Maldives joined UNESCO on 18 July 1980. The UNESCO Office in New Delhi, India covers the country. Maldives has one UNEVOC center. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics has conducted detailed study on Education and Literacy Scenario in Maldives.